Listen to my interview this evening, July 27, 2018 at 7:00pm EDT with hosts Pastor G and Lady C of Give God The Glory Broadcast in Detroit, Michigan. We will be discussing Janiece’s Biography, my upcoming new LIMITED EDITION Book and the new Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life Movie. Get the latest scoop, live streaming from Detroit. ON RADIO | GIVE GOD THE GLORY BROADCAST.

On The Radio | Give God The Glory Broadcast | Joseph James

For more info about the upcoming Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life Book and Movie, check out the info and links below. Find out how you can help us spread the word and become a part of the project. Reserve your Limited Edition Copy of the book, coming later this year!

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FLY FROM HERE Song | Lyrics by Joseph James

FLY FROM HERE Song | Joseph James – Are you going through some tough times? Has someone left you abruptly and it has torn your heart in two? Perhaps, your heart is so broken you don’t even want to go on. I found myself in that place many times in my life where I wanted to give up, but then help came to me. It can for you as well. Don’t give up in the storm, there is a greater plan for your life. Take the place where you landed and FLY FROM HERE! (Lyrics below Video)

FLY FROM HERE Lyrics by Joseph James Read more


Has it ever seemed like you have no control over your own destiny? Life is just going along, like a river swiftly moving a log downstream, and you feel like you’re that log. It can seem impossible to change course sometimes, but it is more than possible, and in fact, it’s imperative that you do. I was singing and speaking to a group of homeless folks yesterday morning with this message in South Carolina on our Follow Your Dreams Tour and thought I’d share it here as well. Also check out my song, Follow Your Dreams! OWN YOUR DESTINY…

Greater Things Art Print | Joseph James | Follow Your Dreams Tour

(Artwork by Joseph James) Read more

FYD Tour Concert Omaha – Video Highlights

We recorded the Follow Your Dreams Tour concert at the Sozo Coffeehouse in Omaha, Nebraska on October 12, 2017 and created a Video Highlights film on YouTube. This is to show a small portion of what we do in the concerts and outreaches as we encourage folks to dream and to not give up. Depending on venues, we can do speaking and/or music and add dance, comedy and acting in as well. Read more

Sentenced To Death Destined For Life – The Beginning


This story begins on a rainy day in July of 1991, on the Northwest side of San Antonio, Texas. The ‘Sentence Of Death’ had been issued and there was an eerie feeling of the certainty of its judgment in the atmosphere. A young woman, in her early thirties, is seen standing on the front porch of a home for the terminally ill. She is smoking a cigarette and listening to her headphones. Normally, she would be sitting out in the front yard with her smoke; however, today the rain has forced her to stay on the porch. Her gaunt, anorexic figure displays her state of mind. She was depressed all of the time. Her constant cry is, “God! Will you please take me home? Just take me home!” She cried out over and over in her mind as she listened to a song by Metallica called “Sanitarium,” trying desperately to drown out all of the voices inside of her head.

Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life - The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story by Joseph James

Janiece Elaine Turner had been through years of extreme pain and misery. She was tired, extremely exhausted, and she just wanted it to be all over, finished. The voices inside of her head would not leave her alone. Unbeknownst to her, she was getting her wish. Soon it would be all over, but it would not be the way she had expected.

After almost eight years of pain, surgeries, mental institutions, treatments, drugs, and medications, the doctors finally came to a new conclusion, aided by a new technology called the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). They told her family that the myelin sheathing around the nerves in her brain were dying and this was causing her brain cells to die. At the time, they called it Demyelinating Syndrome. They told her family there was no hope for her and asked them if there was a place that she could stay comfortably until she died, because the mental hospitals could not help her anymore and also, they were so expensive. Taking into account the doctor’s advice, they decided to place her into her oldest sister’s caregiving home for the terminally ill. The family was told not to tell her she was dying, for fear that this time she would be successful in taking her life, after all the numerous attempts she had made in the past.

There was something very special about this dreary, rainy day, however. This day was different. It was not like all the other days before. This day was special, because it was the fulfillment of a promise from a long time ago. This was the day that death would be sentenced and life would begin to blossom.

As she continued to listen to the music and continued to smoke her cigarette, the front door opened and her sister walked out. Janiece pulled the headphones down to her neck so that she could hear. Her sister only spoke a few words this time out of frustration and then went back inside. It was the same words she had heard from others over the years. “Do you want to stay sick forever?”

Aware, for the first time in many years, she suddenly exclaimed, “No! No! I don’t want to be sick forever!” As she was turning around to face her sister, she reached down to put the cigarette out, but by this time, her sister had already gone back inside.

Janiece opened the door and looked for her sister. She walked up to her. “No!” she exclaimed. “I DON’T want to be sick forever! Now what…”

GET THE BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS and some for others who need to read the story and help us with our Follow Your Dreams Tour/Outreach. Let’s encourage folks to follow their dreams and to cancel suicide.

Complete Chapter 1: https://www.sentencedtodeathdestinedforlife.com/wp/book/sample-chapter/

Buy Here: http://beneficialzone.com/bzshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=180

Thank you for your support. Other books, music and shirts by Joseph James available on the website as well.


Everyone Wants To Be Loved | Joseph James

Love is a delicate and precious thing to find. Everyone searches for it, but few are they who find true love. Broken relationships and families can hold us back from experiencing all we can. So what are we to do? Where is this so-called thing called love? Everyone Wants To Be Loved!

I hope this song encourages you and blesses you. Sometimes we can feel like there is no way to go on, but trust me, the storm will pass. I’ve been there too, the relentless beating of the storm, day after day, and I wanted to give up as well, but the Lord was there and He carried me through. Of course, I had to let Him help me and you do too. You won’t regret it.

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Who I Am

Who I am. Who am I? Who are you? Why are we here? When I think of these questions I think back to when I heard a song by Supertramp called, “The Logical Song.” One of the main lines of the song is, “Can someone please, just tell me who I am?” If you’ve never heard of it, you can google it to find a site to listen to it. The album came out in 1979 and we still ask the same questions today. Who am I? I bought the album as soon as I could and would cruise up and down the streets in my home town at night just listening to it. It was just me, the music and the wind blowing through my open windows in the cool night air. This was the question on my mind during my teenage years, “Who am I?” Why do we do the things we do? Why do we have to conform to these worldly standards? We don’t have to conform, there is a better way. Throughout all of history, good changes come when people dare to stand up with a better way. Before we can do that, we must find a better way. Who I am! Read more

Hurting People

As I read the comments sent personally to me from people all over the world, I realize more and more how many are hurting, broken and torn. Our world is going through so many changes as we go from individual economies to a world economy. Everything is changing and it is causing so much fear and panic. This fear and panic is ripping into the core of families and relationships and causing many casualties emotionally. Where do we turn? Who has the answers? Who really cares? Is it every person for themselves? Hurting People! Read more

Dispossessing Fear

There is a  lot of talk in the world and even in religious circles about fear and there should be, it is real and affects all of our lives. I have seen T-shirts and bumper stickers everywhere that say, “No Fear!” and when I do, I am very skeptical that those people don’t see the true depth or reality of fear. Everyone has a little bit of fear in their lives and some have so much they can’t even cope with everyday life. Fear! DISPOSSESSING FEAR! Read more

Life Of Balance

The pendulum swings from one side to the other, from extreme to extreme. Only in the middle of its journey is the balance. The clock, with its pendulum, is sometimes representative of our lives. It can also represent an action against us with a counter reaction from us. The balance of this lies in our response to the action against us and not to simply to react to someone else. Response Versus Reaction! LIFE OF BALANCE! Read more


Has something happened to you that is so bad, you can’t even see how you are going to make it through the day, let alone the rest of your life? Was it a violent act? Was it divorce, the loss of a loved one? Was it the loss of a job, or friendship, sickness or injury? What do you do? Traumatized! Read more

Surviving Divorce

What do you do when the love of your life says they want a divorce? What do you do? How do you cope with it and better yet, how do you go on? With some people divorce seems such a trivial thing. I haven’t been able to figure this out. If that person was really committed to the marriage, why didn’t it effect them the same way? I’ve been through several divorces with my mom and two personally and there are no easy answers. SURVIVING DIVORCE… Read more