A Message Of Hope Along A Lonely Road! | In Memory Of… Web Page

After discussing this with some friends and ministers about this and getting very positive feedback, I decided to go with it. I didn’t want people to think we’re trying to make money off of someone else’s grief. This is a delicate subject and I want to treat it with respect.

Many folks want to help in preventing suicide but don’t know how. So many have lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdose, or simply lost someone too soon, and want to reach out to others to make a difference, but don’t have a way. Just one simple voice with a loving message might just make a difference in a life or death decision as someone skims through cyberspace looking for a reason to live!

In Memory Of - Life Support Messages - Cancel Suicide

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Smoking Of The Gun

SMOKING OF THE GUN (Live) | Joseph James – Do you know of someone who is deep in depression and suicidal? Joseph and his wife minister to those going through dark times, because we’ve both been there and made it through. If you read Janiece’s bio,, you will see that she’s gone through multiple attempts in her past. She has videos there as well.

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On The Other Side

Everyone wants to get to the other side, where the good things are. There must be more to this life than this. This isn’t what I signed up to do. I can remember my first day in the military. I thought, “This is not why I signed up. This isn’t how they said it would be.” Discipline and training doesn’t just come to us naturally. It would be nice if we were born with all of those attributes, but in reality, we are born with all the attributes of sin. What a mess? How do we get On The Other Side? Read more


As I consider the title of this post, my heart is heavy. Perhaps, because of the focus of our outreach ministry, we hear this more than most, yet it is so prevalent in our society. Hopelessness can lead to a very bad situation, suicide. Why do people consider suicide? Janiece and I started our “THERE IS HOPE!” tour in May 2013. We are determined to bring hope to as many as we can and counter HOPELESSNESS… Read more

Function & Gender

If we could solve our gender differences in our generation today, the world would be a more peaceful place to live, correct? If men and women could walk side-by-side together in our world instead of fighting each other over a lot of different issues, we might be able to provide a better world for our children. How can we do this though? Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, or so the story goes… How can someone from one sexual orientation really understand the other? Perhaps we don’t have to as much as we think we do. I suggest that if we can find the root of the problem, perhaps we can also find a workable solution. FUNCTION & GENDER… Read more