Pursuing our dreams can sometimes lead us right into a wall that seems impossible to get beyond, and yet, nothing is impossible to those who believe the Lord can do it. The size of that wall is dependent upon our perception of it. Our path to fulfill our dreams is mostly about perception, because our perception can bring things into focus, or blow them way out of focus. Things can appear smaller or larger depending on our vantage point.
(October 23, 2016 | Redwood Forest, CA | DeeZee -Daniel Hartmann | Dancing | by Joseph James)
In October 2016, we left Orange County, California on our journey to Texas and decided to take the long way back. We went by the Golden Gate Bridge and through the Redwood Forest. The Redwoods are magnificent as we looked up to see the tops so high above. Daniel, my son and I, were looking for a spot where we could film him dancing in the midst of the trees when we came on this fallen tree. It was about eight feet to the top of it. He climbed up on it and danced to a song.
(It’s all about perspective. Photo by Joseph James | Redwood Forest, CA)
Daniel and I walked around until we found the right place for his dance and then he found a way to get up on top. I played the song and filmed while he danced. When we are following the path of the dream the Lord has for us, it’s all about perspective, His. If we can see the path from His vantage point, then we can see that He’s got this. If we can only see the obstacles from where we are lying flat on our face, it’s a whole other story. PERSPECTIVE! So, if you find yourself in a seeming place of impossibility, lift up your head as ask the Lord to take you up with Him in the Spirit to show it to you from His vantage point. He will. Then dance, in victory, on top of the things that tried to hold you back. Then get ready for the adventure to run your race. Follow Your Dreams, Psalm 139.
(DeeZee | Daniel Hartmann Performing on a Fallen Redwood Tree, Redwood Forest, CA)
Blessings and favor in your journey,
Joseph James
We are getting Janiece’s story out there into a movie to help as many folks as we can. If you’d like to join us in the journey, check out the following links for more info on the story, the movie and the tour. Blessings.
Please remember to keep us in prayer as we pursue producing Janiece’s Miraculous Story into the movie. Target Film Date: Summer 2019 Target Film Release: Summer 2020
Check Out The Movie Project and How You Can Help | https://www.sentencedtodeathdestinedforlife.com/wp/sddl-movie/
Check Out Our FYD Tour Site and Itinerary, Bookings | http://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/itinerary/
Let’s restore the word DREAM to our country again! Please share about the book, tour and movie so others can be encouraged.